Studio Work Progress

Friday 11th March
Todays shoot, I carried out another set of images, I think the outcome of these photographs are an improvement from the first set.

Thursday 10th March
I have began my first shoots in the studio, I began creating lighting in the style of Jill Greenberg but found it quite difficult with limited studio space and usage of the correct lighting stands. I recently discovered the work of Martin Schoeller, who's work I really enjoy, I will carry out his studio lighting technique in the studio on my next shoots. I am using Digital medium format in the studio so I can get the best detail in my model's faces. I am getting reactions from them eating hot or sour foods as I would like lots of facial detail. I will assess the pro's and con's of this shoot and what I want to make better in my next shoot, I would like closer portraits of the face with less shoulders.

Thursday 17th February

So far I have planned out my Studio assignment, what my idea's are and how I will carry them out, I have chosen techniques which I would like to achieve in the Studio and chosen a variety of ways of capturing them.

Friday 18th February

At the moment I am researching Jill Greenberg's style of lighting her models and how she creates her images. I have found a tutorial on photoshop which takes me through the process of creating stronge detailed images which I will take further to creating the best images that I can of facial expressions, tone and detail. Here is an image I tested the technique on from one of my street portraits. I think it works really well and I would like to shoot my images soon so I can get the best possible outcome.

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